What Can LP Do?

Organize Your League
Coordinate all your teams, players, coaches, volunteers, and referees
Register Players
Online registering of all participants, easy setup for credit card processing
Schedule Games
Game, practice, and tournament scheduling, with conflict resolution. And it updates your team web pages instantly.
Connect You
League Partner is web-based - meaning you can work from any computer connected to the internet - at the office, from home, an internet cafe, ...
Increase Revenue...
... and decrease costs. Increase sponsorship opportunities, grow your participant base, run benefit tournaments, analyze new opportunities.

League Partner

The best league management software available

League Partner, developed by soccer league managers, for soccer league managers, streamlines every part of your business. League Partner is 100% supported - that means we are with you every step of the way - from setup (importing your existing data) to training to implementation to automated backups. You won't find better software with better support, at any price.


Check out what our customers are saying about League Partner

"This is incredible. One click to import to my calendar! Thanks for all the work you are doing. I really like the new web site." - Kelly

"I LOVE the new website. It's very helpful to have the game schedule on the home page. The tool bar to the left is clear and makes things easy to find. Good job!" - Terri

Contact Us

Fully Functioning Free Trials Available
Email us today:
League Partner
info AT leaguepartner.com
